What To Expect


Gail or Clare will ask you detailed questions about your symptoms and how they are affecting your life. We will also ask you about your general health, including any previous illnesses, surgery or injuries. These questions are important in helping to establish a diagnosis and to rule out anything more serious that may need referral to a medical doctor. 

Physical Examination

To find the cause of the problem, an examination is necessary. This may include observation of the body, movement patterns, range of motion, palpation of the joints and muscles, muscle testing, specific neurological and orthopaedic tests. 


After the consultation and examination, we have collected enough information to allow for an explanation of your problem and for a treatment programme to be outlined. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and decide whether you wish to go ahead with treatment. If after examination we decide that treatment is not appropriate, we will give you an explanation and, with your permission, refer you to another health care professional such as your GP or an Orthopaedic surgeon, or for further investigation such as x-ray or scan. 

Same day treatment

For most people, treatment will begin immediately after the explanation. However, if this is not appropriate, Clare or Gail will explain why and, with your permission, arrange for a referral to another health care professional such as your own doctor or to an orthopaedic surgeon or for further investigation e.g. x-ray or scan.

Treatments may include spinal manipulative therapy (adjustments), soft tissue work including trigger point therapy, massage and stretches, dry needling (acupuncture), kinesiology taping, cranial therapy, K-Laser, and exercise prescription.

Subsequent visits

Subsequent visits consist mainly of treatment. Depending on your progress, we may revise the initial treatment plan and shift the focus towards preventing future episodes of pain. You will gradually enter a more rehabilitative part of the treatment, comprising home exercises, ergonomic and lifestyle advice.Â