Chiropractic Chandlers Ford

We are experts, but what does it mean?


Chiropractic is a healthcare profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system, and the effects of those disorders on general health.
Chiropractic treatment involves safe, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly. Apart from manipulation of muscles and joints, chiropractors may use a variety of techniques, including laser, cupping, dry needling, exercise and advice about self management, posture and lifestyle.
Chiropractic training takes 4-5 years and all chiropractors must register with the General Chiropractic council. The General Chiropractic Council is an independent statutory body established by Parliament to regulate the chiropractic profession in the United Kingdom. It protects the health and safety of the public by ensuring high standards of practice in the chiropractic profession.