Back Pain Treatment In Twyford

Experienced back pain treatment clinic in Twyford, serving areas of Chandler’s Ford & Winchester.

Back pain

Gail and Clare are experts at treating back pain 

We TReat

Back Pain Treatment Clinic Near Chandler's Ford & Winchester

Pain in the upper back is frequently caused by injury, misalignment or stiffness of the joints between the vertebrae and ribs, normally in conjunction with tension in the surrounding muscles. It is particularly common in office workers and students who spend long hours sitting at computers, in people with poor sitting posture and in people who have had prolonged periods of coughing. Slouching increases the stress on the spinal joints, making them more susceptible to injury. Pain or lack of mobility in the upper back can result in neck pain, headache or arm symptoms. Upper back pain responds exceptionally well to chiropractic treatment, usually improving very quickly provided that no other underlying causes are present.

A prolapsed disc in the thoracic region can also occur possibly due to an injury such as a car accident or a heavy fall. Alternatively, they can be the result of gradual wear and tear. 

With over 20 years of successfully relieving back pain and stiffness we will help you regain a more active and comfortable life whether that is returning to work or getting back to your favourite pastime – running, gardening, cycling, fixing the fence, playing with your grandchildren… 

Typical symptoms

You can feel back pain from the top to the bottom of your back. It may also include neck, shoulder, arm, hip, leg, or pelvic pain.

The pain can vary, from an excruciating, debilitating one that stops you in your tracks to a constant or recurrent ache that disrupts your life, making movement difficult, and jobs like shopping and driving painful.

It can take the pleasure out of life and make you feel fearful of worsening symptoms. Associated symptoms include pins and needles, numbness, stiffness, weakness and a sensation that your back may ‘give way’.

Pain in the back can have a ‘stabbing’ quality when it occurs in the upper back. It sometimes becomes painful to take a breath. This is usually because of stiffness in the joints between the spine and the ribs. Pain with breathing can be a worrying experience, but this problem usually resolves quickly with treatment.

There are several factors involved with back pain, including muscle spasms, strains and imbalances, wear and tear, stiff joints, disc injuries and sometimes a trapped nerve.
Although it is rare for back pain to be caused by a serious life-threatening illness such as cancer, it is always serious in the effect it has on your life; it is important that we look for underlying causes so that as well as treating the symptoms, we can help prevent the pain and disability from recurring.

Lifestyle factors that contribute to the onset of back pain include jobs that involve sitting all day at a desk or in a car; jobs that involve repetitive movements; a sedentary lifestyle with little exercise resulting in deconditioned muscles or a single incident of heavy lifting, especially with poor technique. Emotional stress, for example, family issues or a demanding job, can also cause tension that results in back pain.

Our approach
When we examine a person with back pain, it is important that we consider their whole body and not just the spine because the cause, or part of the cause, may be elsewhere, for example an old ankle injury or a stiff hip.
We have many treatment approaches for back pain. This means we can choose the right ones for each person, depending on their needs and wishes. Our overall aim is to speed up healing, reduce spasm and tension in muscles, free up restricted joints and nerve entrapments, reduce inflammation and/or swelling and strengthen the body to help avoid future problems.

Alongside hands on treatment,  we will give you exercises to aid recovery and prevent recurrence. It may also be important to address causes of stress and make alterations to workstations, car seat position, lifting technique, etc.  We rarely require MRI scans or x-rays before commencing treatment for back pain. If it is necessary, we can refer you to a private specialist or write to your GP to ask them to refer you within the NHS.